The Diploma Wine Exam Pack -- Introduction to Systematic Approach to Tasting

Many of you have asked how best to learn the Diploma Systematic Approach to Tasting and how to prepare for the tasting portion of the exam. We will go over this in great detail in our future units, however, for those of you eager to get started now, we introduce . . . The Wine Exam Pack!

How This Works:

  1. Purchase the Wine Exam Pack ($325) before July 7th. This is 12 wines (most will be half bottles) that can be picked up at DeLille Cellars in Woodinville (July 12, 1pm) or at The WSA in Portland (July 13, 6pm).

  2. Blind taste the wines using the WSET Systematic Approach to Tasting.

  3. Meet in the Online Classroom over 4 sessions (or watch the recordings) to taste and explore the wines with your classmates and instructor. We will taste the wines in 4 sets of 3 wines each (in exam format). Live sessions: Mondays, July 19, 26, August 2 and 9, 7pm to 8pm.

  4. Enjoy whatever is leftover in your bottle!

It is not expected that you participate in this optional training. This is just for students eager to get a heads start on their tasting technique. The recorded sessions are available to everyone (whether you buy the wine pack or not).

Limited Availability